
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 29, 2013

Kylee is 9 Months Old

9 Month

January 17, 2013

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: At your 9 month appointment you weighed 18.63lbs. You are wearing mostly 6 month clothes and some 9 month. You are officially only in size 3 diapers. You also are wearing size 2 shoes and I just bought you some pink crocs and sparkly shoes!
Sleep: ....still waiting on the sleeping from 7pm-6am....anytime you're ready! :)

Movement: Well the first week of this month you took your first steps!!! We were thrilled & even caught it on video! We were bribing your with puffs! Now you are officially walking!!!!
Communication: We can add Dada to the list this month! I love this!
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  First Steps for Puffs!
2. First Christmas!
3. First swing ride!
4. Going to the Aquarium with Great-Grandma!
5. Going to the Zoo with MiMi!
6. Holds the phone to her ear when we say "ring ring"

Food: You are still nursing every 4 hours! Your feeding times are still 6-10-2-6. You are now starting to eat more soft finger foods and getting over the baby food....unless its in a pouch!
Mood: Not only are you happy all the time but you are so much fun! I love to see your excitement when you are proud of yourself! 
Medicine: Nothing this month!


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