
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 29, 2013

Kylee is 11 Months Old

11 Month

March 17, 2013

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: Still not sure of you weight but you are still in size 3 diapers and wearing 6/9 month clothes. You have moved to size 3 shoes in most brands.
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night :)

Movement: The walking has turned into "running" its so cute to see you think you are so fast!
Communication: Our Word List is now mama, hi, Dada, bye, bang and /k/ for kitty, baby, ball, and go!
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  First trip to our neighborhood park!
2. Fake laughing with hand over your mouth.
3. Pool days with your BFF Brooklyn.
4. Putting your hands up when we ask "where did it go?"
5. First St.Patrick's Day!

Food:  The nursing is still in same but we  are going to be replacing one feeding a week with whole milk next month.
Mood: Some moments you are so serious and then other moment so silly! I am just loving your little personality...except your full on tantrums!
Medicine: Nothing this month!


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