12 Month
April 17, 2013
The official picture:
Weight/size: We have your 1 year appointment this week & I will update your weight then... my guess is 20lbs :) As far as clothes go, you are all over the place. Your wearing 6 month shorts, some 6 month onesies, 9 month dresses & leggings and some 6-12 month clothes. You are still wearing size 3 diapers and size 3 shoes.
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night and even sleeping in on the weekends!
Movement: You are all over the place! Running from one room to the next and especially inside and outside! My favorite thing you do is try to speed up when we are chasing you!
Communication: Our Word List is now Mama, hi, Daddy, bye, bang and /k/ for kitty, baby, ball, go, please, pretty, Dal (Dallas), Ni Ni (Night Night), Mimi, Grammy and the best....your name KYLEE pronounced ki-ee!
Sweet Remembrances:
1. Your first Easter!
2. You met the Easter bunny.
3. Throwing your own diaper away!
4. Eating a mini pancake without it being cut up!
5. "Calling" for daddy... hand on mouth shouting Daee!
6. Playing in the fountains downtown
7. Your first birthday complete with your first cake!
1. Your first Easter!
2. You met the Easter bunny.
3. Throwing your own diaper away!
4. Eating a mini pancake without it being cut up!
5. "Calling" for daddy... hand on mouth shouting Daee!
6. Playing in the fountains downtown
7. Your first birthday complete with your first cake!
Food: Well you transitioned very well as we slowly replaced a nursing feeding with whole milk in your sippy cup. The trouble started when we took the final nursing session away (6am). The first day you threw a 15 minute fit, complete with smacking your sippy cup down. The next day was a 10 minute fit, followed by a 5 minute fit until at last NO FIT! You are completely off all forms of baby food even your pouches! If we let you I'm pretty sure you would live off bananas, cheerios, goldfish, macaroni and "monkey shakes"!
Mood: You are so much fun! You wave and smile at everyone...even strangers! Your happiness is very contagious but boy do you have a temper!
Medicine: Lots of Orajel and Tylenol since you FINALLY got your bottom teeth. You also had the stomach flu this month and gave it to Mommy...we were pretty miserable!
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