
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 29, 2013

Kylee is 12 Months Old

12 Month

April 17, 2013

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: We have your 1 year appointment this week & I will update your weight then... my guess is 20lbs :) As far as clothes go, you are all over the place. Your wearing 6 month shorts, some 6 month onesies, 9 month dresses & leggings and some 6-12 month clothes. You are still wearing size 3 diapers and size 3 shoes.
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night and even sleeping in on the weekends!
Movement: You are all over the place! Running from one room to the next and especially inside and outside! My favorite thing you do is try to speed up when we are chasing you!
Communication: Our Word List is now Mama, hi, Daddy, bye, bang and /k/ for kitty, baby, ball, go, please, pretty, Dal (Dallas), Ni Ni (Night Night), Mimi, Grammy and the best....your name KYLEE pronounced ki-ee!
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  Your first Easter!
2. You met the Easter bunny.
3. Throwing your own diaper away!
4. Eating a mini pancake without it being cut up!
5. "Calling" for daddy... hand on mouth shouting Daee!
6. Playing in the fountains downtown
7. Your first birthday complete with your first cake!
Food:  Well you transitioned very well as we slowly replaced a nursing feeding with whole milk in your sippy cup. The trouble started when we took the final nursing session away (6am). The first day you threw a 15 minute fit, complete with smacking your sippy cup down. The next day was a 10 minute fit, followed by a 5 minute fit until at last NO FIT! You are completely off all forms of baby food even your pouches! If we let you I'm pretty sure you would live off bananas, cheerios, goldfish, macaroni and "monkey shakes"!
Mood: You are so much fun! You wave and smile at everyone...even strangers! Your happiness is very contagious but boy do you have a temper!
Medicine: Lots of Orajel and Tylenol since you FINALLY got your bottom teeth. You also had the stomach flu this month and gave it to Mommy...we were pretty miserable!


Kylee is 11 Months Old

11 Month

March 17, 2013

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: Still not sure of you weight but you are still in size 3 diapers and wearing 6/9 month clothes. You have moved to size 3 shoes in most brands.
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night :)

Movement: The walking has turned into "running" its so cute to see you think you are so fast!
Communication: Our Word List is now mama, hi, Dada, bye, bang and /k/ for kitty, baby, ball, and go!
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  First trip to our neighborhood park!
2. Fake laughing with hand over your mouth.
3. Pool days with your BFF Brooklyn.
4. Putting your hands up when we ask "where did it go?"
5. First St.Patrick's Day!

Food:  The nursing is still in same but we  are going to be replacing one feeding a week with whole milk next month.
Mood: Some moments you are so serious and then other moment so silly! I am just loving your little personality...except your full on tantrums!
Medicine: Nothing this month!


Kylee is 10 Months Old

10 Month

February 17, 2013


The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: Not sure of you weight but you I feel like you arent growing as fast as before. You are still in size 3 diapers and wearing 6/9 month clothes.

Movement: Well you aren't just walking anymore...you are getting into everything! You also blow kisses (just put your hand over your mouth), and play peek-a-boo....Oh and my favorite... the indian noise with Mommy & Daddy's hand!
Communication: Our Word List is now mama, hi, dada, bye, bang and /k/ for kitty!
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  Making your first spagetti mess!
2. Eating goldfish crackers!
3. Discovered the tolet paper roll!
4. Picked Mommy a flower!
5. Discovering the cabinets!
6. Valentine's Day
7. Visiting Mommy at work on her birthday!

Food:  I don't think the nursing schedule is changing anytime soon... every four hours 6-10-2-6....and no 4 am :) You are trying new foods everyday and the best news is that you LOVE green vegetables! I guess you just didnt like the baby food ones?
Mood: Determined and of course happy, unless we say NO!
Medicine: Nothing really


Kylee is 9 Months Old

9 Month

January 17, 2013

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: At your 9 month appointment you weighed 18.63lbs. You are wearing mostly 6 month clothes and some 9 month. You are officially only in size 3 diapers. You also are wearing size 2 shoes and I just bought you some pink crocs and sparkly shoes!
Sleep: ....still waiting on the sleeping from 7pm-6am....anytime you're ready! :)

Movement: Well the first week of this month you took your first steps!!! We were thrilled & even caught it on video! We were bribing your with puffs! Now you are officially walking!!!!
Communication: We can add Dada to the list this month! I love this!
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  First Steps for Puffs!
2. First Christmas!
3. First swing ride!
4. Going to the Aquarium with Great-Grandma!
5. Going to the Zoo with MiMi!
6. Holds the phone to her ear when we say "ring ring"

Food: You are still nursing every 4 hours! Your feeding times are still 6-10-2-6. You are now starting to eat more soft finger foods and getting over the baby food....unless its in a pouch!
Mood: Not only are you happy all the time but you are so much fun! I love to see your excitement when you are proud of yourself! 
Medicine: Nothing this month!


Kylee is 8 Months Old

8 Month

December 17, 2012

The official picture:
The outtakes:

Weight/size: Still no scale but, we used our neighbors and believe you weigh around 18 lbs. You are officially only wearing 6 months clothes. You wear size one shoes however, you don't really wear shoes.
Sleep: Are you ever going to sleep through the night??? Apparently not...4 am is still your feeding wake up time! Naps are getting more consistent :)

Movement: Well you are doing a lot of "cruising" around the furniture but have yet to take a step on your own. You are SO close! You also know climb the stairs all the way to your bathtub!
Communication: Adding "hi" to the word list but I haven't heard Mama a lot.... You really just love to squeal and make grunting noises. I guess we can add panting like a dog too!
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  Went to see Santa!
2. First Thanksgiving!
3.  Picked out your first Christmas tree!
4. Went to Ohio--first vacation!
5. Went to Aunt Sissy's College Graduation!

Food: You are nursing every 4 hours ...still! Your feeding times are 6-10-2-6....still. This month we introduced puffs and you LOVE THEM. They helped get us through our road trip to Cincinnati.
Mood: Happy Baby, Happy Mommy & Happy Daddy...life is great! 
Medicine: Nothing this month!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kylee is 7 Months Old

7 Month

November 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: Well once again we don't own a scale! You are still wearing 6 month clothes and very little 3 months. Those size two diapers are starting to leak which means its time for size 3 VERY soon.
Sleep: You are still waking up for the 4 am feeding. I am so use to it at this point I'm not even tired!

Movement: You have gotten pretty brave with pulling up! You've discovered the stairs and have attempted to climb them.
Communication: You love to squeal! I am so excited that you nt only said your first word but that it was MAMA. I win ;)
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  Went to The Aquarium with Aunt Kaytie!
2.  Visited Mommy at Work!
3.  Dressed up as a Mermaid for Halloween!
4. Voted with Mommy & Daddy!
5. FIRST WORD.......MAMA :)
6. Memaw came to visit!

Food: You are continuing to nurse every 4 hours! You are also continuing the same feeding times are 6-10-2-6. You are still eating oatmeal with a fruit for breakfast. A veggie and fruit for lunch and dinner. I believe you have tried all fruits and veggies now. You have a slight obsession with the pouch baby foods. You finish them in seriously two seconds.
Mood: I am always amazed at how happy you are :) 
Medicine: You got your first "sickness". It was very short but so very sad!
