
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kylee is 5 Months Old

5 Month

September 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: We didn't have an appointment this month so we are unsure of
your weight. We should probably purchase a scale soon! You are still wearing 3 month clothes but now you have moved up to wearing size 2 diapers!

Sleep: The sleep has started to improve. It's just not very consistent, some nights are great and then others not so much! The same goes for your naps. The first nap is ALWAYS 45 minutes but sometimes you reward us with a 2 hour middle nap! When you wake up in the middle of the night I try to comfort you by rocking you, giving you your pacifier or shhhhhing you.....however the only thing that ever works is to feed you! 

Movement: You still love rolling from your back to belly and are trying very hard to reach for toys!

Communication: You really love to hear yourself scream....A LOT! You are starting to try talking as well and it is so cute to see you try and repeat sounds. My favorite though is your laugh, we have had a silent wide open mouth laugh for a long time and we offically heard a belly laugh. Your first laugh came when Dallas was acting CRAZY and running circles in the back yard.

Sweet Remembrances:
1. We went to the USF fan fest!
2. We started baby food!
3. Your first laugh!
Food: You started this month nursing around every 3 1/2 hours but now you are feeding every 4 hours! We tried rice cereal last month and you were not a fan AT ALL! This month we tried oatmeal and sweet potatoes. You loved them both :)

Mood: Happy baby!!! I feel as though you never stop smiling!! You are really starting to have quite the personality!

Medicine: We still give you a little Orajel to help with the teething pain and you had a rash so we took you to the doctor. Now we have to use Aveeno body wash and lotion with no scent during our night time routine.



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