How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 14 lbs. <~~~funny story for this one! My friend Beth and I were at Bed Bath & Beyond and since I do not own a scale (I usually use the one at Publix or the doctor visits) I decided to use one of their displays. Well, I hop on and it shows that I gained 25 lbs...I FREAKED OUT!!! I thought it was broken when in fact I was still wearing my purse... I know a 10 lb purse is ridiculous! Then my mom tells me "You do know the scale will say that number pretty soon??" THANKS MOM :)
Maternity clothes? Mixing old clothes with new maternity clothes.
Stretch marks? Nope...I like this answer!
Sleep: Going back to work has made me exhausted and in turn has made me fall asleep & stay asleep! Yay!!!
Best moment this week: Going to the Circus!! Wow the things those people can do... AMAZING! I can't wait to take Kylee!
New nursery plans: We made an official decision on ALL the to pay for it and start setting up. Also picked out the bedding! It will be light pink sheets with "Light Gray Damask" bumpers and crib skirt. I will post pictures once we purchase this stuff!
Miss Anything? Being able to "easily" get up off the carpet with my Kindergartners. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to sit with them!
Movement: So much movement! Mike and I actually watched my stomach move as she changed positions. We laughed... a lot!
Food cravings: Pasta...mmmmmmmm
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Have you started to show yet: Yes...and people keep saying WOW when are you due? <~~~how should I take this comment...
Labor Signs: No!!!
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Girl :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Girl :)
Looking forward to: The 4D ultrasound appointment on January 20th! I can't wait to see our baby girl up close!!!
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