
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, December 14, 2012

Kylee is 6 Months Old

6 Month

October 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: At your 6 month appointment you weighed 16lbs 6 oz! You are now starting to wear some 6 month outfits and we had to buy A LOT of new pajamas :) You are still wearing size two diapers. A lot of your baby shoes are now to small.
Sleep: You are sleeping much better BUT still not quite sleeping through the night. The majority of the time you only wake up once for a feeding and fall right back to sleep. Every once in a while you wake more often than that and we are unsure as to why?

Movement: This month you started to get up on your hands and knees. Then you started to flop on your belly and sort of scoot backwards. The Sunday before you turned six month old you started to CRAWL! We were thrilled!! We used a box of Expo markers as the incentive and you just crawled back and forth every time we moved the box. Two days later you started pulling yourself up in your crib...so we dropped your mattress!
Communication: We are still enjoying your random screams and babble :) No official words yet BUT I am working hard on MAMA. We are excited that we can get you to laugh almost anytime if we chase Dallas in the backyard, Tickle you, or rub our head on your belly! We also love to hear your squeal of delight when you get really happy!
Sweet Remembrances:
1.  You crawled!
2.  You started to eat Vegetables!
3.  Your first sippy cup of water!
4. First visit to the Pumpkin Patch
5. You got your ears pierced!
6. Your first Bloomingdale Football Game
7. Smiling at mommy while standing in your crib!
8. Throwing a ball (with your left hand)!

Food:  You are feeding nursing every 4 hours! This month you started to have Oatmeal and a fruit for breakfast, a veggie for  lunch and either a veggie or fruit for dinner. Some days you love a food and other days you hate it?? So far you have tried sweet potatoes, avocado, green beans, zucchini, squash, carrots, peas, winter squash, pears, prunes and apples.
Mood: Still a happy baby but we are starting to see some determination as well! When you want something you do not give up!!!
Medicine: Just a little origel.



Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kylee is 5 Months Old

5 Month

September 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: We didn't have an appointment this month so we are unsure of
your weight. We should probably purchase a scale soon! You are still wearing 3 month clothes but now you have moved up to wearing size 2 diapers!

Sleep: The sleep has started to improve. It's just not very consistent, some nights are great and then others not so much! The same goes for your naps. The first nap is ALWAYS 45 minutes but sometimes you reward us with a 2 hour middle nap! When you wake up in the middle of the night I try to comfort you by rocking you, giving you your pacifier or shhhhhing you.....however the only thing that ever works is to feed you! 

Movement: You still love rolling from your back to belly and are trying very hard to reach for toys!

Communication: You really love to hear yourself scream....A LOT! You are starting to try talking as well and it is so cute to see you try and repeat sounds. My favorite though is your laugh, we have had a silent wide open mouth laugh for a long time and we offically heard a belly laugh. Your first laugh came when Dallas was acting CRAZY and running circles in the back yard.

Sweet Remembrances:
1. We went to the USF fan fest!
2. We started baby food!
3. Your first laugh!
Food: You started this month nursing around every 3 1/2 hours but now you are feeding every 4 hours! We tried rice cereal last month and you were not a fan AT ALL! This month we tried oatmeal and sweet potatoes. You loved them both :)

Mood: Happy baby!!! I feel as though you never stop smiling!! You are really starting to have quite the personality!

Medicine: We still give you a little Orajel to help with the teething pain and you had a rash so we took you to the doctor. Now we have to use Aveeno body wash and lotion with no scent during our night time routine.



Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kylee is 4 Months Old

4 Month

August 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: You weighed 13lbs 13 oz. at your four month appointment. The doctor showed us the graphs of your growth again and you are right in the middle! You are still wearing 3 month clothes and ALL the newborn outfits are being packed up. You still wearing size 1 diapers but they are getting tight on your thighs.
Sleep: Well I think we hit the 4 month sleep regression and the 4 month growth spurt at the same time! Gone are the nights of sleep! You are sometimes waking up 3 or 4 times a night, just in time for mommy and daddy to go back to work. Also your naps are anywhere from 30 minutes to 45 minutes! The short naps are mostly because you are hungry every 2 1/2 hours! 
Movement: This month you learned how to roll from your back to your belly. It is now your favorite thing to do!
Communication: You love to scream , grunt & squeal! When you want attention you scream and grunt. When your are really happy you squeal!
Sweet Remembrances:
1. Rolling over from your back to your belly!
2. Started "Grammy Daycare"
3. Tried your first "food" item!
4. Grabbing mommy's face and nuzzling your face to mine!
Food: You were nursing every 3 hours & now you are nursing every 2 1/2 hours. It is suppose to be 4 hours!
Mood: You are still a really happy baby. You are starting to have more "meltdowns" but its only because your hungry & I think you are teething!
Medicine: You are no longer taking Mylicon drops! We gave you a little Orajel to help with the teething pain.

Kylee is 3 Months Old

3 Months

July 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:


Weight/size: This month you didn't have a doctors appointment, which means we don't know your weight. You have started to wear 3 months clothes but still fit into some newborn size clothes. I was pretty excited because you have a lot of 3 month sized outfits! You are still wearing size 1 diapers.
Sleep: You are still sleeping around 8 hours at night. When you do wake up around 4 am all I have to do is feed you and you fall right back to sleep! You are still not the longest napper. It seems as if 45 minutes or 1 hour is the longest stretch.
Movement: You still don't like to lay down for very long. Standing on our laps seems to be the ONLY thing you like. This month you have really started using your hands to grab things and attempt to put them in your mouth!
Communication: Still oooing, aghhing and grunting OH MY!

Sweet Remembrances:
1. You got dressed up TWICE for your first 4th of July :)
2. You met your Texas Family!
3. You started taking ALL naps in your crib!
4. You blow lots of bubbles!

Food: You are nursing every 3 hours.

Mood: Nothing but SMILES -- unless of course your hungry!!!!

Medicine: We only give you Mylicon drops every other feeding now.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Kylee is 2 Months Old

2 Month

June 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: You weighed 10lbs 5 oz. at your two month appointment. The doctor showed us the graphs of your growth and you are right in the middle! You are still wearing newborn size clothes however some are starting to fit a little snug. I actually started putting you in 3 month shirts and using them as dresses! You are now wearing size 1 diapers.
Sleep: We are still loving our sleepy baby! You actually slept for 8 ½ hours! The first time this happen I woke up at 5 am and PANICKED because you didn’t cry for food!! You are getting better at taking naps in your crib or pack and play but you wake up often and cry because your pacifier (or as your daddy says “mouth-piece”) fell out.

Movement: You do not like sitting still for long! Your head is constantly moving trying to see everything. You especially LOVE when we hold you up over our shoulder. You also LOVE to stand on our lap. It is so cute because you push yourself up and then when you get lazy you collapse!
Communication: You are continuing your oooing, aghhing and grunting! You also love to smile back at our smiles. You communicate the most in the mornings!
Sweet Remembrances:
1. You went to your first RAYS baseball game for Father’s Day :)
2. You rolled over from your belly to your back!
3. You went to the Aquarium and loved all the colors!
4. You started smiling every time I read “Goodnight Moon”!
Food: You are nursing every 3 hours.
Mood: You really are a very happy baby. You are extremely happy when you have a full tummy…but isn’t everybody!
Medicine: You are still taking Mylicon drops before every feeding but we hope at 3 months to give them less frequently. You also had to take baby Tylenol because you had a fever from your two month vaccines.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kylee is 1 Month Old

1 Month

May 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: You weighed 8lbs 4 oz at your one month appointment. The doctor said you are gaining about 3/4 of an ounce a day. You are wearing newborn size clothes & some of your newborn clothes are still too big. You are also wearing newborn diapers. We didn't stock up on newborn size diapers so we have bought quite a few packages!
Sleep: We have been blessed with a sleepy baby! You must get that from your mommy! The first two weeks I am pretty sure all you did was sleep...and eat and dirty a lot of diapers :) However you decided at three weeks sleeping during the day would only happen if you were being held. As for nighttime you have been fabulous! You obviously woke up to feed about every 3 hours but you always went right back to sleep!

Movement: As of right now your movement is very limited. You do love to move your head around. When you were only two days old, we laid you on your tummy and you lifted your head and shoulders. Such a strong baby! You also love putting your hands in your face...which sometimes results in scratching yourself!
Communication: You are such a noisy baby...which we love! You are constantly oooing, aghhing and grunting...even in your sleep! You also just started smiling right after you eat and we start to talk to you! I love your smile!!!!
Sweet Remembrances:
1. Daddy changed all your diapers in the hospital :)
2. You went on your first walk and loved it!
3. You had your first bottle with daddy and did great!
4. You had your first bath...you don't really like it because you get cold!
Food: You are nursing every 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
Mood: Overall you are a very happy baby. The only time you cry is when you have tummy problems. It breaks our heart when you are in pain and we try everything to help you!
Medicine: Since you were having tummy problems, the doctor suggests these mylicon drops. We give them to you before every feeding and they help A LOT.

Mommy’s Mental Health: I really felt as if the first two weeks were FABULOUS! Daddy was home for a week and then MiMi came over for a few days! All you did was sleep so I got a lot of cleaning done. Everyone was bringing meals and coming to visit! BUT THEN everyone went back to work and it was just the two of us. It took awhile but now at one month old I think we together have a great routine and I can ALMOST always figure out the reason you are upset! Overall I am one happy mommy and love you more than words can say!

Daddy’s Mental Health:  Not a moment goes by that I do not think about you.  My life changed forever on April 17th 2012.  Although I am not able to spend all day with you, I have enjoyed my time when I am at home and able to watch you lay in my arms.  I have never been happier in my entire life and I can not wait for the future!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kylee's Birth Story

Kylee Rose Lankford arrived at 5:42 pm on April 17th, 2012. She weighted 6 lbs & 12 oz and was 19 inches long. She has beautiful dark hair and big blue gray eyes (for now)! We are SO in love!!

Here is the story of Kylee's arrival on April 17th, 2012.

We had to schedule a date to be induced and the doctors actually made the BIG DAY her due date. Although I originally wanted to go into labor on my own and experience the frenzy of rushing to the hospital...I was ready to meet our beautiful daughter! I couldn't sleep the night before because I was filled with so many emotions. I was told not to eat or drink anything past midnight (which wasn't a problem because I had NO appetite).

Tuesday morning we arrived at the hospital and all I could think about was how hungry I was!! All I could eat was ice chips...I actually tried to pretend they tasted like a delicious breakfast :) Once we were in the prep room the nurse hooked up my IV, and apparently I have "tough" skin which caused the nurse to really use some muscle inserting the IV...OUCH! Next came the doctor to break my bag of water...it took three attempts and it was by far the worst pain of the entire process. Once that was over they started the Pitocin (to start contractions) and the waiting started...

The nursing staff was WONDERFUL, especially my main nurse Linda. She kept telling me how great I was doing and was constantly making sure I wasn't in any pain. Our board had a "pain meter" and I kept using low numbers because I knew it only goes to 10 BUT lucky my nurse could see the pain in my eyes and suggested the epidural. I am so happy she did because by the time we waited for the anesthesiologist those contractions were VERY intense! I even snapped at my mom and Mike for talking during a contraction. I wanted it to be completely quiet...I really don't think that I was asking to much!!

Once the anesthesiologist arrived I had to sit up, hug a pillow and hold my head down. This is when I lost it I was uncontrollably shaking and even a little hysterical. I wasn't that scared of the epidural but once she arrived I think the reality hit me quick. On a happier note once that medicine kicked in I felt amazing :) I was relaxed watching T.V. (and all the pizza hut commercial) and I even took a quick 20 minute nap. I really enjoyed watching the monitor and not being able to feel the contractions!!! However, slowly I started to feel when I was having the contractions again and I mentioned it to Mike but he thought maybe I could just feel them because they were getting stronger. I considered this until I started to really feel the intense contractions and they were very close together. I decided to call the nurse and she went to find the anesthesiologist. At this point I was 8 to 9 cm dilated and freaking out that they weren't going to give me more medicine. By the time the anesthesiologist arrived I was clenching the bed in pain and the shaking had returned. LUCKILY they did give me an additional dose which in turn caused me to not be able to move my right leg at all!

Once the medicine kicked in we did some practice pushing with the nurse during every contraction. I was getting pretty exhausted and needed an ice chip after every attempt. Finally the doctor arrived for some pushes and I swear next thing I knew everyone was cheering me on and shouting one more big push! At last they lifted her up and set her right on me! That immediate connection will never leave me and I now understand that instant motherly love. 

The nurse allowed me to hold her for about a minute and then took her to the warmer to clean her up. Mike and my mom went to watch her and within minutes of being born she was already holding daddy's finger and starring into his eyes!

After what seemed like forever, but was probably only 5 minutes they brought Kylee back to me and laid her on her chest. It was the best feeling in the world!

I laid there holding and enjoying our first memories as a family. I couldn't believe this itty bitty baby just came out of my belly & was already loved so much!

 Kylee's birth was the most incredible experience :) I will never forget this day and those first precious moments of her life!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Maternity Pictures

After almost two hours of taking picture and even being kicked out of our first location.... we have BELLY pictures :) Here are some of our favorites!

And our favorite....which we added to the nursery :)

A huge thank you to Nicole Ferrante, she was FABULOUS! We can't wait to have her take pictures of Kylee's entire first year of life!!!

39 Weeks (The Baby is the Size of a Wintermelon)

How far along? 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 29 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? I have made it through without ANY stretch marks :)
Sleep: Everyone keeps saying "Get your sleep now while you can!" however, I am not getting any sleep...my body is obviously preparing me for next week!
Best moment this week: Well it was a BEST/WORST moment this week. At my doctor's appointment I was told that I had made NO progress from the previous week! They also asked me if I wanted to schedule a day to be induced but then I found out it would be whenever they say and whenever they call...MORE WAITING. I know it sounds silly since I have already waited 39 weeks but I was so upset! THEN the next day the doctor called and told me I needed to be at the hospital on April 17th (my due date) at 7:30 am! I can't believe we are this close to meeting our bundle of joy! Although I wanted to go naturally with a crazy story of my water breaking and rushing to the hospital with contractions, I am still just excited to meet Kylee :)
New nursery plans: Just waiting on Kylee's little hands and feet for the canvas paintings!
Miss Anything? I miss several things but I know I will miss having Kylee so close to me at all times! I guess I have to share her now ;)
Movement: All the time...I will really miss this experience!
Food cravings: Actually this week I haven't been very hungry at all???
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :)
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Labor Signs: Nothing! Kylee really likes her home!
Belly Button in or out? In & Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and VERY anxious!
Looking forward to: KYLEE :)