
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, October 27, 2011

14 Weeks (Baby is the size of a Lemon)

Sorry this is LATE...I have had some horrible headaches the past 3 days!!!
How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 4 lbs.
Maternity clothes? I went to buy some jeans and the smalls and WAY to big in the thighs and length... NOT GOOD
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping great & still laying on my belly
 Best moment this week: My moms monthly gift! Its a baby Doppler!!! I can listen to our baby's heartbeat at home!!! Although I have yet to hear the actual heartbeat, I still get to hear the wiggle and squish sounds. Thanks mom (Mi Mi) :) 
Have you told family and friends: Yes BUT I haven't told my kindergarten students...I am waiting until someone asks...although I don't think they are noticing :)
Miss Anything? I'm missing being able to wait until lunch to eat! It is a PAIN to go get applesauce and then eat it in front of a bunch of 5 year old's.
Movement: Not yet...
Food cravings: The sweets are starting to settle in... I have been eating candy A LOT!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Seriously I'm over the queasy symptom...it was suppose to stop at the 2nd trimester and I'm still suffering :(
 Have you started to show yet: YES I had one of my old student's parent ask the office staff if I was pregnant & then she came to touch my belly and say congrats!!
Labor Signs: No!!!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out? In...but its getting very shallow...this is the one thing I am not happy about...and the possibility of future stretch marks
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think I got a little moody this week... I blame it on stress not the baby
Looking forward to: Still Halloween (yummmm CANDY)

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