
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kylee is 1 Month Old

1 Month

May 17, 2012

The official picture:

The outtakes:

Weight/size: You weighed 8lbs 4 oz at your one month appointment. The doctor said you are gaining about 3/4 of an ounce a day. You are wearing newborn size clothes & some of your newborn clothes are still too big. You are also wearing newborn diapers. We didn't stock up on newborn size diapers so we have bought quite a few packages!
Sleep: We have been blessed with a sleepy baby! You must get that from your mommy! The first two weeks I am pretty sure all you did was sleep...and eat and dirty a lot of diapers :) However you decided at three weeks sleeping during the day would only happen if you were being held. As for nighttime you have been fabulous! You obviously woke up to feed about every 3 hours but you always went right back to sleep!

Movement: As of right now your movement is very limited. You do love to move your head around. When you were only two days old, we laid you on your tummy and you lifted your head and shoulders. Such a strong baby! You also love putting your hands in your face...which sometimes results in scratching yourself!
Communication: You are such a noisy baby...which we love! You are constantly oooing, aghhing and grunting...even in your sleep! You also just started smiling right after you eat and we start to talk to you! I love your smile!!!!
Sweet Remembrances:
1. Daddy changed all your diapers in the hospital :)
2. You went on your first walk and loved it!
3. You had your first bottle with daddy and did great!
4. You had your first bath...you don't really like it because you get cold!
Food: You are nursing every 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
Mood: Overall you are a very happy baby. The only time you cry is when you have tummy problems. It breaks our heart when you are in pain and we try everything to help you!
Medicine: Since you were having tummy problems, the doctor suggests these mylicon drops. We give them to you before every feeding and they help A LOT.

Mommy’s Mental Health: I really felt as if the first two weeks were FABULOUS! Daddy was home for a week and then MiMi came over for a few days! All you did was sleep so I got a lot of cleaning done. Everyone was bringing meals and coming to visit! BUT THEN everyone went back to work and it was just the two of us. It took awhile but now at one month old I think we together have a great routine and I can ALMOST always figure out the reason you are upset! Overall I am one happy mommy and love you more than words can say!

Daddy’s Mental Health:  Not a moment goes by that I do not think about you.  My life changed forever on April 17th 2012.  Although I am not able to spend all day with you, I have enjoyed my time when I am at home and able to watch you lay in my arms.  I have never been happier in my entire life and I can not wait for the future!!