
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, November 28, 2011

BLUE or PINK????

        We are tickled pink and happy to say
           a darling baby girl is on the way!

This was by far the most exciting doctors appointment yet. It seriously felt like Christmas Eve the night before our appointment because all I wanted to do is go to bed BUT I was way to excited!! Waiting in that waiting room felt like forever and when they finally called my name I was suddenly nervous. As we walked to the room I had a huge smile on my face and that smile NEVER left. Of course before we could hear the BIG NEWS they had to take a million measurements. Then the news was revealed and shown CLEAR AS DAY that we were having a baby GIRL. I must say my smile got much bigger and I looked straight at Mike who was staring at the screen with a huge smile as well. The doctor printed us pictures & gave us a CD with copies to share with family and friends. I couldn't take my eyes off of the pictures and would not let go of them. Mike had to snap me out of my daze as I had some  work to do while we waited to talk to the doctor about the measurements and results.

I had decided to order cupcakes with pink icing inside as a way to announce our BABY GIRL. I also bought balloon's for the "Mimi & Grammy". After our LONG appointment with nothing but good news had ended, we began our journey around town to hand deliver the news. Here are the reactions....

We also decided to have a fun announcement for our family in Texas. Since the next day was Thanksgiving we put together an idea to announce the news during their Thanksgiving feast. Thanks to Tonie, she put together the box and stuffed it with pink balloons...and once opened we heard (and captured a picture)a GREAT reaction!!

We also bought our first "gifts" for our baby girl!! Mike picked out an adorable bib and it speaks the truth!!!

I picked out her first pair of shoes...we all know a girl can NEVER have to many shoes :)

                   We can't wait to meet Kylee Rose Lankford!!!!!

19 Weeks (The Baby is the Size on a Mango)

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs.
Maternity clothes? I am desperately needing some maternity clothes...all my shirt are about to expose my belly!!!
Stretch marks? Nope BUT in addition to my coco butter my mom bought me Burt Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter. She also bought some new PJ's from Victoria Secrets AND bought them in a size small instead of extra small! HA HA
Sleep: Sleeping GREAT again with my new PJ's...they are so comfortable!
Best moment this week: Having all week off school and spending time with family
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? WINE...what else is their to miss...especially HOMEADE WINE!!!
Movement:YES!!!! I love it & can't wait for Mike to enjoy it as well
Food cravings: Ice Cream...my new favorite place...Menchies Yogurt
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still feeling great BUT I've started to experience heart burn :(
 Have you started to show yet: Yes
Labor Signs: No!!!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out? It's slightly popped out...and was even noticed through my shirt!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Beyond HAPPY I can't wait to find out the BIG NEWS...pink or blue??
Looking forward to: Sharing the news with family and friends...I've got some GREAT ideas!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

18 Weeks (The Baby is the Size of a Sweet Potato)

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 6 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Still nothing new...
Stretch marks? Nope :)
Sleep: Sleeping good but I get pretty hot at night
Best moment this week: Hearing everyone vote for BOY or GIRL!
Have you told family and friends: Yes the news if ALL out
Miss Anything? A glass of wine...or two
Movement:YES!!!! A lot at night & one time I felt the baby while reading a story to my class
Food cravings: Really looking forward to some delicious TURKEY
Anything making you queasy or sick: Knock on wood BUT I'm feeling fabulous!
 Have you started to show yet: Yes
Labor Signs: No!!!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out? In...but seriously about to pop...
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Extremely happy...did I mention I get an entire week off of work for Thanksgiving???
Looking forward to: All I can think about is finding out BOY or GIRL...and my exciting ideas to share the news ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

17 Weeks (The baby is the Size of an Onion....my LEAST favorite vegetable)

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Still nothing new...
Stretch marks? No! I did buy coco butter lotion ( I'm not sure if I believe this will prevent BUT my belly will be soft)
Sleep: Great Sleep & some GREAT naps on the weekends
Best moment this week: One of my students said "your belly is getting BIG" and another said "Its going to be really really big" <~~~using his arms to make a BIG belly! How CUTE!
Have you told family and friends: Yes the news if ALL out
Miss Anything? I think I'm getting use to the changes...for now ;)
Movement:YES!!!! Only on the inside (Mike can't feel it yet) but wow it is AMAZING!!
Food cravings: MMMM Sweets...at the grocery store I ALWAYS want to add a chocolate bar!
Anything making you queasy or sick: It's improving but still ever once in a while...
 Have you started to show yet: Yes
Labor Signs: No!!!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out? In...and holding on for dear life!!!!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy...I love this time of year!
Looking forward to: Making thanksgiving day decorations & of course BOY OR GIRL....so excited!!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

16 Weeks (Baby is the Size of an Avocado...Holy Guacamole)

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Nothing new BUT I am really loving the jeans I bought!!
Stretch marks? No...but my belly is soo itchy!!
Sleep: Sleeping better now :) Thank goodness!!
Best moment this week: The countless times Mike has touched my belly...it is so cute!!!
Have you told family and friends: Yes & a lot of my student's parents asked me on conference night :)
Miss Anything? being able to "squeeze" into small spaces! This belly is starting to get in my way!
Movement: No, my doctor told me it feels like a pop & I should lay really still...it's not working yet
Food cravings: Nothing I'm craving just things I defiantly DON'T want!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Knock on wood but it is getting a little better this week :)
 Have you started to show yet: Yes
Labor Signs: No!!!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out? In...still not for long though
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy...I love this time of year!
Looking forward to: Still Thanksgiving, Finding out the sex on November 23rd & having a whole week off school!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

15 Weeks (Baby is the Size of a Navel Orange)

How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still 4lbs.
Maternity clothes? YES! I finally bought a pair of jeans!!! I also bought a cute dress and shirt :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping good but having a hard time getting comfortable
Best moment this week: We finally found the heartbeat on our own with the Baby Doppler!!
Have you told family and friends: Yes and the word is spreading to all the kids at my school! I must say its pretty cute hearing kids ask me if I have a baby in my belly :)
Miss Anything? WINE WINE WINE...I'm really "whining" over this!!
Movement: Not yet... but I heard its very soon!! Maybe 18 wks
Food cravings: Nothing really this week...but I had a lot of sweets :/ I'm surprised I didn't gain 5lbs.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells....why won't this go away :( Morning time is no fun!!
 Have you started to show yet: Yep...all I hear is WOW you really popped out
Labor Signs: No!!!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out? In...not for long though
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy except in the mornings with the nausea...I'm over it!!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving...we are having it at our house & we are hopefully going to know the sex by then :) MMMMM Turkey